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Abaxis, Piccolo, Piccolo Xpress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Abaxis, Inc. Our veterinary products can now be viewed at Click the before Ports (COM & LPT). Look for Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer. Note: If the analyzer does not appear in the device list, do not reinstall the driver. Unplug the USB cable from the computer, then reinsert it. Touch Last Rotor c. The results from the last rotor are displayed. Select, and make sure is not. NOTE: Only peripherics recommended by EDAN should be connected to the analyzer. When connecting a Honeywell 1900 scanner to the analyzer, the scanner should be set. 19 - i15 Blood Gas and Chemistry Analysis System User Manual 2.5 Configuration 2.5.1 Standard Configuration i15 analyzer 1 power cable 1 power adaptor 4 printer paper 1. ABAXIS DATA MANAGER SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD The Abaxis Data Manager is a Windows® application designed to save Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer and Hematology Analyzer results as files on a Windows® PC. Using the Abaxis Data Manager application version 1.2.0 and up you will. Cookies and Tools: Heska and its business partners collect information about you by using cookies, tracking pixels and other technologies (collectively, “Tools”). This information is used for user experience purposes, where it serves to provide Heska a better understanding of customer behavior and where this customer behavior information will drive customization and improvement of the user.
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Need help? For technical support on your Piccolo Xpress analyser please call Abaxis UK Medical on 01904 909500.
Can the analyser be connected to an external computer, printer, LIS or EMR?
The Piccolo Xpress has 5 USB ports located on the back of the analyser. These USB ports are bi-directional and can be connected to peripherals like a printer, keyboard, barcode scanner, computer or EMR/LIS system. Available data formats are ASCII, ASTM and XML. Data parsing and translation may be required to work with your system. Contact your IT department, systems provider or Abaxis Technical Service on 01904 909500 for assistance.
What are the power requirements needed to operate the analyser?
The analyzer requires 100-240 volts AC, 50-60 Hz or 15 volts DC, 5.0A.
Is surge protection or an uninterruptible power supply required for the Piccolo Xpress?
Abaxis recommends that the Piccolo be plugged into a surge protector designed for use with a computer.
What do the black symbols on the results print out mean?
The three black “~~~” symbols mean that the results for that particular chemistry were suppressed. The analyser is designed to deliver accurate results. If the analyser is unable to provide accurate results, it will suppress those results rather than print them. Collect a new sample and re-run the test. If results for the second sample are suppressed, contact Abaxis Technical Support on 01904 909500
Should controls be run on the Piccolo Xpress?
CLIA Waived Testing
- At least every 30 days or with each new lot number of disc panels (whichever comes first).
- Whenever laboratory conditions have changed significantly.
- When training or retraining of personnel is indicated.
- When test results do not match patient symptoms or clinical findings.
CLIA Moderately Complex Testing
- At least every 30 days.
- Whenever laboratory conditions have changed significantly.
- When training or retraining of personnel is indicated.
- When test results do not match patient symptoms or clinical findings.
Please see Section 2.4, “Testing Procedure and Interpretation of Results,” in the Piccolo Xpress Operator’s Manual.
The controls are analysed the same as the patient samples; the only difference is that the results are stored in a memory separate from the sample results memory. It makes recalling control results easier. See Section 6, “Calibration and Quality Control,” in the Piccolo Xpress Operator’s Manual.
Where can control samples be purchased?
Controls can be ordered directly from Abaxis UK, or through your Piccolo distributor. For additional information call 01904 909500
What if I need technical support?
If you are experiencing difficulty, or have any questions about your Piccolo analyser, contact Abaxis Technical Service on 01904 909500
Step 1: Unpack the Analyser and accessories.
- Place the box of reagent rotors in the refrigerator (2-8° C) immediately upon arrival.
- Remove the Analyser from the box and place on a level surface, free of vibration and sudden jolts. The Analyser should be at least 6 inches from the wall for access to the power connection and USB ports.
Step 2: Set up Analyser and electrical connections.
- Attach AC supply cord to power adaptor.
- Attach DC power supply cord to the back of the VS2.
- Plug AC supply cord into a grounded electrical outlet.
- Make sure all connections are secure.
Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer (com3) Drivers
Step 3: Setting the System Parameters.
- Press the Power button to turn on the Analyser. The Analyser will go through a self-test. Once the self-test is completed, the Analyser will display ‘Analyze’ and is now ready to run a rotor.
- Check the Analyser’s date and time to ensure they are correct. Date and time must be accurately set. See section 5.7 of the Operator’s Manual for details.
- The Analyser is pre-set to report results in common units (mg/dL). You may choose to change the units to SI units (mmol/L). To change the units, see section 5.9 or the Operator’s Manual for details.
Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer (com3) Driver Download
Abaxis Blood Chemistry Analyzer (com3) Driver Ed
Step 1: Add Sample
Simply collect 100uL of whole blood, serum or plasma and transfer it into the self-contained reagent disc. The disposable, single-use disc contains all the reagents and diluent necessary to perform a complete multi-test chemistry panel.
Abaxis Blood Analyzer
Step 2: Insert Disc
Follow the touch screen commands. Press “Analyse Sample”, then place the disc into the analyser drawer. Enter the requested information and the Piccolo Xpress does the rest in approximately 12 minutes, the results are ready!
Step 3: Read Results
Abaxis Chemistry Analyzer
Complete panel results including patient demographics, chemistry concentrations, reference ranges, sample integrity indices and iQC® are available on the full colour display, printed on a self-adhesive roll-tape, transmitted to an external printer, computer or LIS/EMR system. The Piccolo Xpress stores up to 5000 patient results.