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Dr. Muthinja is a University of the Witwatersrand trained finance expert and an accomplished financial innovations researcher. Moses holds a PhD in Finance from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He is a specialist in Public finance, financial innovations and financial inclusion. He holds a Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Education both from the University of Nairobi. Moses is a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya, Certified Public Secretary of Kenya, Member of the Institute of Certified Public accountants of Kenya ICPA-K and a Practicing member of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya ICPS-K trading as Real Time Registrars (CPS-K). As a practicing Company Secretary, Moses is practically involved in corporate governance of client companies, provides consultancy on regulatory compliance of companies and registration as well as de-registration of businesses.
Dr. Muthinja is the Chairperson, Standing Committee on collaborations, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Kenyatta University. The committee is in charge of initiating collaborations with academia and industry. Dr. Muthinja has served as a lead consultant for a number of organizations such as SNV Netherlands Development Organization, Agency for peace and Development among others. Dr. Muthinja is the current Chairperson, Meru County Performance Management Committee. The committee oversees performance of all county departments, the office of the Governor and all Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGA) at Meru County. The Committee aims at improving efficiency in the production processes at the County. The 11 member committee is also reviewing performance of the county with regard to the rapid results initiatives currently being undertaken. Lastly, the committee provides quarterly reports to the County Governor on employee performance.
Dr. Muthinja’s PhD research entailed an empirical study of all commercial banks in Kenya over a 10 year period using advanced econometric approaches. The PhD research won the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) research grant as well as a research grant from the School of Economic and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand. He is a peer reviewer of Finance Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of African Business. Dr. Muthinja is also a Research Associate at the University of South Africa currently involved in the African Union research project (AUC_UNISA Agenda 2063 project) being undertaken by the University of South Africa. He has written extensively in print media and in high impact accredited peer reviewed journals. He has completed surveys on affordable housing finance in Kenya, Djibouti and Eritrea on behalf of the Center for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa based in South Africa for three consecutive years (2016-2019). He has firm grounding in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
Research Achievements
Published Papers
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- Dr. Muthinja is currently heading the Financial Innovation and Financial Inclusion Policy Research Programme at the Department. He is the Principal investigator for innovation studies in general and financial innovation in particular in the programme.
- Muthinja, M. M., & Chipeta, C. (2018). What drives financial innovations in Kenya’s commercial banks? An empirical study on firm and macro-level drivers of branchless banking. Journal of African Business, 19(3), 385-408.
- Muthinja, M. M., & Chipeta, C. (2018). Financial innovation, firm performance and the speeds of adjustment: New evidence from Kenya’s banking sector. Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 11(1), 1-11.
Chipeta, C., & Muthinja, M. M. (2018). Financial innovations and bank performance in Kenya: Evidence from branchless banking models. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1), 11.
Conference Papers
- Muthinja, M. M., & Chipeta, C. (2015). Mobile Payments and the Creative Destruction of Traditional Payment Systems: Evidence from Kenya's Network Externalities. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Financial Services, 29th September-1 October, 2015, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
- Muthinja, M. M. (2013). The Role of Informal Financial Markets in the Economic Development of South Africa. Paper presented at the First Annual Financial Economics workshop,'Financial Economics and the Nexus of Growth, Stability & Efficiency'. Jointly hosted by University of Cape Town Graduate school of business and Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA), Cape Town, South Africa.
- Muthinja M.M. and Adedeji A. (2017) Political Competition and Fiscal Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research Proposal presented at the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Bi-annual workshop held in Arusha, Tanzania on December 3-7, 2017.
Articles Published in Business Daily
- Business Daily, 24/11/2015: Lack of access to key financial services comes in many forms http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/analysis/Lack-of-access-to-key-financial-services/539548-2968608-4pusesz/index.html
- Business Daily, 23/5/2017: Why informal financial markets are here to stay http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/analysis/Why-informal-financial-markets-are-here-to-stay/539548-3937182-xmcwq2z/index.html
- Business Daily, 27/6/2017: Mobile payments and the future of electronic cards http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/analysis/Mobile-payments-and-the-future-of-electronic-cards/539548-3988416-hvcw01/index.html
- Business Daily, 25/7/2017: Policy dilemma in the informal financial markets http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/analysis/Policy-dilemma--informal-financial-markets/539548-4031934-11puts1z/index.html
Membership in Professional Associations
- Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya-ICPAK (Member number R/6608)
- Member of the Institute of Certified Secretaries-ICS (Member number-2399)
- Member of the Institute of Risk Management, South Africa (Member number 55333380)
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Maelezo Kwa Ujumla
Mwaka jana ulikuwa na changamoto kwa biashara duniani kote. Licha ya ukuaji wa kiuchumi uliokuwa na matumaini, uwezo wa kununua wa watumiaji ulibakia chini ya shinikizo kubwa, na kulazimisha Wakenya kufanya maamuzi magumu zaidi ya kila siku.
Kudorora huko kwa uwezo wa kununua, pamoja na mahitaji ya kodi yanayoongezeka huku Serikali ikifuatilia kuongeza fedha zaidi kutoka kwa sekta hii ndogo ya ICT, kulichangia kutuwama kwa ukuaji wa huduma kama vile za kauli na za ujumbe. Licha ya haya, sekta ya utoaji huduma iliendelea kusajili utendaji thabiti, ikiungwa mkono na ukuaji wa biashara kama hii yetu zilizo katika ICT, pamoja na biashara ya jumla na ya rejareja, usafiri, utalii na ujenzi wa nyumba.
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Huku upenyaji wa kasi wa huduma za simu ukikaribia kufukia wateja milioni 50 katika nchi hii yenye watu takriban milioni 52, hivyo basi kuna haja ya kutafuta njia mbadala za kuendeleza ukuaji. Vichocheo vya ukuaji vya jadi (kauli na ujumbe) vinaendelea kudhihirisha ukuaji duni wa tarakimu moja, hii ikiashiria umuhimu wa kuimarisha biashara hii yetu ili kufikia mahitaji ya watumiaji. Hii itahitaji uwekezaji zaidi na wa makini katika uvumbuzi, yote haya yakihitaji kuwepo kwa mazingira ya udhibiti kanuni unaosaidia ili kufanikiwa.
Tumebainisha kwa wasiwasi mkubwa kuweko kwa majaribio ya kusimamia sekta hii kupitia sheria na kanuni zinazopendekezwa ambazo zinataka kulazimisha kupangwa upya kwa muundo wa uendeshaji wa makampuni kama hii yetu, ambayo ukuaji wake umetokana na utekelezaji kwa njia bora wa mkakati wa biashara. Hatua kama hizi zinaweza kupunguza pakubwa uwezo wa biashara hizi wa kuwekeza, kubuni na kubadilisha maisha, jambo ambalo ndio undani hasa wa shughuli za Safaricom.
Ni matumaini yetu kuwa suala hili litashughulikiwa kwa njia ya ushauri zaidi, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuwepo majadiliano ya kufaa baina ya wahusika wote ili kuja na suluhu bora zaidi ya kuleta manufaa kwa wadau wote.
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Kenya ni soko lenye nguvu, lilio na nafasi ya kutosha kwa wahusika wengi kuingia na kushindana kwa njia ya haki katika kufuatilia ukuaji wa biashara na upendo wa chapa. Kwa hiyo jambo kuhimiza kuona hali ya ushindani ikibadilika kutokana na kuungana kunakoendelea kati ya wahusika wawili katika soko letu. Tunaamini hii itasababisha kuweko kwa uvumbuzi na ufanisi zaidi kwa manufaa ya wateja.
Safaricom wanakaribisha ushindani wa haki katika mazingira yaliyo na usawa, ambapo uwekezaji, mkakati, uvumbuzi na ahadi ya chapa ziwe ndio ufafanuzi wa kweli; kinyume na kutegemea kutumia udhibiti kanuni kama njia ya kutarajia mafanikio.
Kuunganisha Watu, Kubadilisha Maisha
Zaidi ya miaka 18 iliyopita, Safaricom imejenga biashara iliyoanzishwa kwenye nia yetu ya kutaka kubadili maisha kwa kutumia teknolojia ya simu. Tumeweza kufanya hivyo kwa kuzingatia mkakati wetu, kuendelea kutambua vyema mahitaji ya wateja wetu na kuzidi kubuni ili kuwashughulikia, na kusisitiza ufuatiliaji wa madhumuni yetu.
Hata hivyo hakuna hata moja ya haya yangeweza kufanikiwa bila ya imani yenu isiyotikisika katika maono yetu. Kwa niaba ya Bodi ya Wakurugenzi, ningependa kusema asanteni. Uvumilivu wenu, uaminifu na usaidizi unatupa moyo wa kutekeleza mengi zaidi: kutafuta fursa mpya za ukuaji ambazo zitazalisha faida kubwa kwa wanahisa, na kuwasilisha thamani kwa wadau wetu wa msingi.
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Tulianza robo ya 2 ya 2020 kwa masikitiko kufuatia kufariki kwa Mkurugenzi Mkuu Mtendaji wetu, Bw. Bob Collymore, tarehe 1 Julai 2019 baada ya kupambana na ugonjwa wa kansa. Alikuwa mtu mwenye busara ambaye alikuwa na maono ya ajabu kwa ulimwengu, na kwa Safaricom. Kwa miaka tisa Bw. Collymore aliongoza biashara hii yetu hadi kuweza kufikia hatua muhimu tajika, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuongeza zaidi thamani kwa wanahisa na kuimarisha ndani yetu hisia ya kusudi ambayo imekuwa kiashiria cha undani wa shughuli zetu hapa Safaricom. Dhamira hii, ya kubadilisha maisha, ndiyo sababu kuwepo kweti leo. Kuheshimu urithi wake tutaendelea kujitolea kumaliza kazi aliyoanza. Tutaendelea kuzingatia kwa haki madhumuni yetu, na kutumia teknolojia ya simu za mkononi kuzidi kuboresha maisha ya Wakenya, na watu wengi wengine tunaoweza kuwafikia kote ulimwenguni.
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Ingawa biashara yetu inakabiliwa na changamoto kadhaa, tuna imani katika uwezo wetu wa kusimamia mashaka hayo na kuhakikisha kuwepo kwa ukuaji endelevu, unaongozwa na Kamati ya Utendaji yenye uwezo zaidi sasa ikiwa inaongozwa na Bw. Michael Joseph, aliyechaguliwa na Bodi ya Wakurugenzi kuwa Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa muda mfupi wa mpito. Tukitazama mbele, tutaendelea kuimarisha upya biashara yetu, kuwekeza katika maeneo mapya ya ukuaji, na kuimarisha vipaumbele vya kuiweka Safaricom katika nafasi ya biashara inayofaa hadi katika siku zijazo.
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